This series of pictures will allow you to see how the river looks. Most of the pictures were taken during 2002-2003 field seasons. Field work done during that time was supported by a NSF grant to K. Winemiller (TAMU), D. Roelke (TAMU) and J. Cotner (U. Minnesota) to study different aspects of benthic ecology in the Rio Cinaruco. More information on that NSF project can be obtained from the webpage of Kirk Winemiller at TAMU. Otherwise stated, all pictures published here were taken by Jose Montoya.

Rio Cinaruco aereal view. Sometime during the dry season of 1998. This picture shows the extent of geomorphological heterogeneity on this segment of the river. Note the different types of lakes and the sandy beaches on the main channel of the Cinaruco. The Orinoco is shown on the upper part of the picture.
Photo taken by María Mercedes Castillo (Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela)

Field camp at Rio Cinaruco during March 2003 (Dry season, low-water period).
Field camp at Rio Cinaruco during late June 2003 (Wet season, high-water period).
Rio Cinaruco sandy beaches in early May 2003 (rising-water period).